Operation Yellow Elephant
I finally decided to participate in Operation Yellow Elephant, and I think I successfully ticked off the republicans a bit. I went to their callout and spent a few minutes trying to recruit soldiers for Iraq after the meeting; unfortunately, they had a BOUNCER at their callout, who decided to shut me down. I was called insensitive, Michael Moore, and other nasty names.
Watch the video.
Yellow Elephant, Iraq, College Republicans
Watch the video.
Yellow Elephant, Iraq, College Republicans
Superb work, but you should talk to Crooks and Liars and see if they can host your vid for you. Atrios just pointed about a million people your way. ^_^
Michael Moore is fat.
Wow that rocks... What was the event that you were passing the fliers out at? I'd like to try identifying the eloquent gentlemen who took the time to explain why you were being insensitive.
Wow! I feel really bad for all of those brave young GOPers who want to enlist but cannot "for one reason or another" (as the stalwart doorkeeper said). I can only imagine that the frustrated would-be soldiers suffer from crippling diseases and conditions such as, perhaps, acne, shin splints, and the heartbreak of psoriasis. Fortunately, Agius received a proper scolding and tongue-lashing for being so insensitive from one of those touchie-feelie I-feel-your-pain Young Republicans.
So don't forget! The members of the Republican Kiddie Corps desperately want to serve their country, but they're just too damn sick to do it. (Hey, I really believe that last part!)
Nice work, Soldier!
It just might be a good idea to investigate the sensitivities of those young GOPers who can't join. Heh. Log Cabin 4f?
Get this over to Crooks and Liars or OP Y.E. quick.
Tony B.
Great work. As ariadne wrote, great poise and professionalism..
Good work, bro!
Fun stuff!!!
Good work! That guy talking to you at the end seemed really pissed off as he made his pathetic excuses for not serving!
You rule!
A good beginning!
Next time, try a polo shirt and tighter jeans, with your hair tucked under an Abercombie & Fitch cap, so they don't peg you so quickly. If you're really comitted, get a buzzcut--Barbers do 'em cheap.
Better yet, get a Christian shirt. Something with a message like "Just say Yes to Jesus." Christian Bookstores have them. A Jesus shirt and camoflage pants, and combat boots. Inexpensive at your local Army surplus store.
And if somebody says they can't serve in the military, just say, "Well, if you don't tell them you're a homosexual, they won't know, they'll let you serve as long as you abstain from homosexual acts."
Maybe they suffer from the same "sensitivities" that kept their hero Rush Limbaugh from serving in Vietnam - the dreaded "pachydermis croceus polypus analis" - Yellow Elephant Anal Polyps.
Well, I guess being sensitivieis one of those ideas these stout young chaps are fighting for over here. .....Nah.
Good work young man, a Medal of Freedom for you!
god-like, inspired, brave and brilliant, you are, sir. would that we, had half your gumption a thousand years ago when we were your age. and may I add that the contrast between that bumptious ass who criticized you for your lack of sensitivity was utterly compelling - he was all hat no cattle, all show no go [as you brilliantly demonstrated] - you were walking your talk. his little finger pointing parade was worthy of jon stewart.
Bravo! Heck, next time bring a recruiter who doesn't mind wasting his time.
You're a brave man. Keep up the good work.
P.S. Or a vet from Op Truth to let them know how much they're needed on the front lines. I'm sure s/he'd love to hear about the need for sensitivity when dealing with hypocrites.
Now I understand. They want to join bur for one reason or another, they can't. What could the reasons be? The first guy at the door is too fat. Since NTODD pointed that out about Michael Moore, I guess that that is not too insensitive. Other reasons, grad school, girl friend, too pussy to sign up. That about does it for the reasons.
And while I'm at it, the Army and Marines should be more sensitive and stop running all those commercials about how great it would be to die for your country.
You should really be more sensitive, but otherwise that WAS ABSOLUTELY F---ING GREAT. Except, of course, the sensitivity thing ...
Great move(ie).
You are bound to succeed in whatever you set your mind to. If not at least you pissed off and made a "young republican" look like a moron-who's sensitive ass should be sent to Irak immediately!
keep it up
Excellent. I salute you, sir.
Wow. That was great.
I imagine that in a room full of Young Republicans -- which is my worst nightmare -- there may, indeed, be one or two individuals who wish they could join the military, but can't for whatever physical or mental disability they have.
But what about the rest of them? What's their excuse?
Their mommies won't let them?
Yep, them Republicans are just thooo thenthitive.
Are Republican Babies first words Talking Points?
Thank you!
I'll spread the word.
When I hung out with College Republicans I wore my Forrest Gump shirt with an American flag on it.
Well done! You showed them for the cowards that they are.
You need to be sensitive, and I'm going to show you how sensitive you need to be by pointing my finger at you and raising my voice.
And you're welcome to do a Michael Moore documentary here, but you've got to go away from here at the same time.
Good videoblog, thanks........dk
Cough... cough...
Wow. I would love to serve my country, too. If only it weren't for this durn, uh, life-threatening illness I have contracted while... fighting the enemy at home. Cough... hrmmm...
Cough... cough... Yeah, man. Me, too. I sure would love to serve my country. Durn this cough, though.
Very impressive! You are truly brave. Going up against fearsome Young Republicans and all!
The "spokes-guy" used the exact same tactic they all do, turning your polite request against you, making himself & young repubs the victims, and you some sort of insensitive creep.
Of course, it backfired. He comes off as another brainwashed asshole. I wish I knew why those who "are unable to serve" unable? Spokesguy seemed to have shooed you away before he could explain.
Anothet young idiot that has no clue about the sacrafices made so he could live the way he does now.
Your all pathetic.
Oh by the way, Kerry lost, Bush won.
63 million of us got it RIGHT.
'some people' were in that very room??
what were 'some people' saying?
"you need to be sensitive"
welcome down the rabbit hole everyone, care for some tea?
listen to redbeard, and don't hand over the whole stack of fliers next time.
Nicely done!
You really have to be sensitive when bringing up these issues amongst a group of people who's trust funds likely forbid their enlisting though! (LOL JK)
Republicans run.......
Beacuse the Democrats have nothing new to bring to the table.
Your party better get its act together because the Reps are going to keep winning unless they get away from the Michael Moores of the world.
Reading how so many of you would not fight for this country discusts me. Sad.
Awesome job, kudos!
Same stuff happened at Texas A&M, where the YCT (Young Conservatives of Texas) and the Corps of Cadets all seem to have better things to do than go fight for their beliefs (YCT: establishing contacts for their personal Aggie networks, Corps: playing G.I. Joe, picking up chicks in their boyscout uniforms, homoerotic hazing)
Inspirational. I'm currently looking up the meeting times of my local College Republicans chapter and securing a video camera to capture the shenanigans on tape.
Try to look more gay next time, it worked for Jeff Gannon.
Yes! How insensitive! There are a number of reasons they can't sign up. Daddy just bought you a BMW.... You have plans on getting sorority girls so drunk they pass out.... You've already sent chapstick to our troops. And the number one chickenhawk reason for not signing up: You already put a yellow ribbon magnet on your car, and isn't that enough?
Kudos on uncovering the hypocrisy of the Young Republicans.
Hats off to you for a wonderfully low-key "Coward Outing" captured on tape. They remind me of all the dumbshits I knew in college who dodged 'Nam but are now....ChickenHawks.
--Mr Trail Safety
there is a minimum of 500,000 republicans serving in the military today.
you don't have to do something to agree with it.
i don't see you guys in iraq making garage door opener powered bombs to fight the infadels.
Thought you'd want to see the email I just sent to the College Republicans:
Dear Ms. Kmetz,
Last evening, I watched a video entitled "Yellow Elephant," in which someone tries to hand out military recruitment information to the participants of your group's callout. http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~atevans/Yellow_Elephant.mov
I found it amusing that someone in your group berated the young man for being "insensitive" to the fact that people at the callout would want to serve in Iraq but were unable "for one reason or the other."
I was curious to know what could possibly be wrong with these people, who can attend college and participate in activities like your callout, but be unable to serve in the military. (All the ones I saw leaving the room looked fine.) Are they blind or deaf? Mentally or physically infirm? Promised to the corporate world? Or afraid?
I find it odd that there are young people affiliating themselves with the pro-U.S. aggression Republican party, when they are unable ("don't have the opportunity") "for one reason or the other" to participate in the carnage.
Contrary to your group member's statement, "You're not helping anyone," I think the amateur videographers performed an important service to the community by pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the College Republicans and Republicans in general. I intend to send the link to everyone I know, with instructions to view it and pass it on.
Like our country's so-called leaders, most people who advocate war have never served in one. Please try spending some time in Iraq (or any other war zone of your choice) before promoting policies that send other people's kids there to kill and be killed.
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<a href="http://blogtext.org/randal5jensen078/article/363498.html?All+members+are+Bonded+
There are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That’s a great point to bring up.
thanks nice written
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